“The Red Sleeve” is a captivating manhwa that follows the journey of Deokim, a humble palace maid with a strong-willed personality. Balancing her duties in the palace with her passion for translating literature, Deokim catches the attention of those around her with her exceptional skills. From the queen to the crown prince, everyone takes note of her talents. However, as political intrigue begins to shape the narrative, Deokim finds herself walking a fine line among the royals, especially the enigmatic crown prince, known as “The Goblin.”
This manhwa, based on the Korean novel “The Red Sleeve Cuff,” explores themes of power, love, and the complex relationships within the palace walls. With its intriguing plot and well-developed characters, “The Red Sleeve” offers readers a captivating reading experience that keeps them hooked from start to finish.
Associated Names
Akai Sodesaki, La Manche rouge, Red Sleeve Cuffs, The Red Sleeve Cuffs, 赤い袖先, 변신합니다, 옷소매 붉은 끝동, 옷소매 붉은 끝동
Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Shoujo, Traged
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“The Red Sleeve” is a must-read manhwa that combines historical drama, romance, and political intrigue into an engrossing narrative. With its well-crafted storyline and complex characters, it has captured the hearts of readers worldwide. Remember to visit Topreadmanhwa for more captivating manhwa recommendations, reviews, and the latest updates in the world of manhwa. Happy reading!