One day, a girl who was raised as a boy has her entire life flipped upside down...
A nameless boy who dreams of, becoming a knight works as a servant for the renowned Romagnolo Family. One day when he is seventeen years old, the boy faces his first monthly period and his mother tells him that actually, he is a girl. She is Count Romagnolo's Illegitimate child and her mother secretly raised her as a boy to protect her. When the count finds about his illegitimate child, he decides to use her as a pawn to protect his daughter, Maylene, from an unfavorable engagement. In that instant, the child who has lived for seventeen years without a name is given one, and her life begins to change drastically. Her name is “Nullitas” which means "nothing."
Associated Names:
Nullitas, Nullitas: The Counterfeit Bride, Nullitas: Die falsche Braut, Nullitas: La remplaçante, Nullitas: Si Pengantin Palsu, Nuritas: False novia, Нуллітес, Нуллітес: Герцогиня - Напівкровка, นูลลิตัส, นูลลิตัส เจ้าสาววิวาห์ลวง, ヌリタス, ヌリタス~偽りの花嫁~, 奴莉塔絲, 奴莉塔絲~偽裝的新娘~, 娜丽塔斯, 娜丽塔斯·一半的伯爵小姐, 눌리타스, 눌리타스 : 절반의 백작 영애